How Sun Health’s Hospital Negotiation Services Work

Discover how Sun Health's hospital negotiation services can help you save on medical bills.

How Sun Health’s Hospital Negotiation Services Work

Navigating hospital bills can be a daunting task, especially when unexpected medical expenses arise. At Sun Health, we strive to make healthcare more affordable and accessible for our members. One of the key services we offer is hospital bill negotiation. Here’s an in-depth look at how Sun Health’s hospital negotiation services work and how you can benefit from them.

Understanding Hospital Negotiations

Hospital negotiation is the process of working directly with healthcare providers and facilities to lower the cost of your medical bills. Our team of experienced negotiators liaises with hospitals to reduce your out-of-pocket expenses, making healthcare more affordable for you and your family.

How the Process Works

  1. Receive Your Bill
    • After you receive treatment at a hospital, you will get a bill detailing the services provided and the associated costs.
  2. Submit Your Bill
    • Submit your hospital bill to Sun Health. This can typically be done online by email. Ensure that all details and charges are clearly visible.
  3. Assessment by Our Team
    • Our negotiation experts will thoroughly review your bill for accuracy and potential savings. They check for common billing errors, such as duplicate charges or incorrect coding, which can inflate your bill.
  4. Negotiation with the Hospital
    • Once the bill is assessed, our team will contact the hospital’s billing department to negotiate on your behalf. This involves discussing possible discounts, payment plans, or other financial assistance options the hospital may offer.
  5. Receive the Adjusted Bill
    • After successful negotiations, you will receive a new, adjusted bill reflecting the reduced charges. Our team will explain the changes and the new amount you owe.

Benefits of Hospital Negotiations

1. Significant Savings

  • Negotiating your hospital bill can lead to substantial savings, often reducing your medical expenses by hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Many of our members have seen their bills be reduced by 90%.

2. Reduced Financial Stress

  • Medical bills can be a significant source of stress. By letting Sun Health handle the negotiations, you can focus on your recovery without worrying about overwhelming expenses.

3. Expertise on Your Side

  • Our team has extensive experience and knowledge in medical billing and negotiations. They know how to effectively communicate with hospitals to achieve the best possible outcomes for our members.

4. Transparent Process

  • We keep you informed at every step of the negotiation process. You’ll know what’s happening with your bill and how we’re working to reduce your costs.

Tips for Maximizing Your Savings

  1. Keep Detailed Records
    • Always keep copies of all medical bills, statements, and any correspondence related to your healthcare services.
  2. Review Your Bills Carefully
    • Look for any errors or unusual charges on your hospital bills before submitting them to Sun Health for negotiation.
  3. Communicate with Us
    • If you have any questions or concerns about your bill or the negotiation process, don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer service team. We’re here to help.
  4. Know Your Rights
    • Familiarize yourself with your healthcare rights and the billing practices in your state. This knowledge can empower you during the negotiation process.


Hospital bills don’t have to be overwhelming. With Sun Health’s hospital negotiation services, you can significantly reduce your medical expenses and alleviate financial stress. Our expert team is dedicated to helping you get the best possible outcome, so you can focus on what truly matters – your health and well-being. If you have any hospital bills that need negotiation, contact Sun Health today and let us assist you in achieving the savings you deserve.